Training costs add up quickly and in my experience, all employer groups want more training (and so do employees, by the way) but there is a challenge with the funding and the time it takes to plan these learning experiences.
Enter stage left…the Maine Workforce Development Compact. This amazing funding source helps employers with the cost challenge. For frontline employees anyway. And, frontline is not only defined as the employee who carries out the services or production for the company, but also the supervisor who is involved in or supports production or services. The spirit here is that the C-suite typically gets all the training they need, this money is intended to support further development of those who contribute to services or production day-to-day. Oftentimes managers and directors support the frontline work, in these cases, the Compact organizers have shared with us that they count too.
This source of funding is a collaboration between the Harold Alfond Center for Advancement of Maine’s Workforce and the Maine Community College system. Together those entities have set aside about $15M in funds to upskill Maine’s workforce. Given the workforce challenges being felt across the state, the timing could not be better.
All training counts. It could be that an employer group needs training for technical skills, or it could be that the ‘soft’ or essential skills that are foundational to all work and people-interaction are more needed. It all can be funded by the grant. 50% of training costs up to $1200 per year per employee is now available.
We have seen that requesting funding is quite easy and we have helped our clients with the process…it is quite rewarding to help employer groups in this regard!
So, employer groups, get your training in. This is the time to do it with some financial help from Mr. Alfond’s philanthropic legacy and the Maine Community College system.
Angela Hansen is the Co-Founder and Chief Business Officer of Range Culture Co., whose mission is to provide practical tools for employers to retain valuable employees, including workshops teaching essential skills like communication & collaboration, conflict management, employee coaching, relationship building, change management, hybrid workforce management. She is a member of ACE, is an experienced HR leader and consultant, and is on the board of Mainely Teeth.